In which Will smokes a cigarette.
In which Darla asks Will's opinion, and Will has none.
In which Angelus delivers a lesson on manners.
In which horses prove tiresome.
In which a point of no return is reached.
In which nothing much changes.
In which Will is greatly surprised at events.
In which Caitlin spills.
In which Will's boots come under scrutiny, and the Netherlands are disparaged.
In which Will both makes his bed and lies in it.
In which Will gives valuable advice on laundering.
In which Caitlin is made a martyr.
In which Will is given useful employment.
In which Will makes good on an earlier pledge, and behaves in a gamesome fashion.
In which Angelus indulges himself at Will's expense.
In which Caitlin is expressly not invited, Will meets a Slayer, Angelus regrets the loss of a coat, and Anglo-Gallic relations are sorely tested.
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